Covid Counselling

covid counselling

Are you feeling anxious?
Are you feeling isolated and lonely?
Have you lost a friend or family member to Covid?
Have you found working from home stressful?


How we can help

The coronavirus pandemic has impacted society as we know it in many different ways.  Social distancing and self-isolation over such a long period have had a substantial impact on our mental health.  Our covid counselling service can help you to regain control of challenging emotions and support you through this difficult period.

We can support adults and children with:

  • anxiety and panic,
  • depression
  • isolation
  • uncertainties relating to work and finances
  • managing children with problematic behaviour and emotions
  • grief
  • obsessive compulsive (OCD)



What platform do talking elephants use for online covid counselling?

We generally use Zoom as it is a secure encrypted platforms with AES 256-bit GCM encryption.  

Is Zoom secure?

Zoom uses encryption across the session’s video, audio, and screen sharing. The content is protected with the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 256 using a one-time key for the specific client session.