Alcohol Addiction & Dependency

Are you finding it difficult to gain control of your alcohol use? Would you like help to reduce or abstain from alcohol? Read More…


Do you feel angry a lot of the time and find yourself expressing this in explosive outbreaks?  Read more…

Anxiety, Fear & Panic

Do you frequently feel restless or worried? Read more…

Bereavement & Loss

Are you struggling to cope with difficult and unexpected emotions?  Read more…  

Do you often feel sad or hopeless? Have you lost interest in things that you used to enjoy? Read more… 
Domestic Abuse & Violence

Are you worried about your safety? Do you live in fear? Read more…

Drug Addiction & Dependency

Are you struggling to stop or abstain from drug use? Read more…

Eating Disorders

Do you constantly worry about your body shape and weight? Read more…

Gambling Addiction

Do you need support to manage or stop Gambling? Read more…

Family / Friends Addiction Support

We can provide you with both practical and emotional support. Read more…

Gender & Sexuality

Are you confused about your sexuality? Do you experience feeling of guilt, shame and fear? Read more…

Self Harm/ Suicide

Do you contemplate self harm or have suicidal thoughts? Read more…


Do you constantly worried, anxious or scared?

Sexual Abuse & Violence

Have you been forced into non-consensual sex? Have you experienced a sexual assault? Read more…

Personality Disorders

Do you have intense emotions that change quickly? Do you have a diagnosed personality disorder? Read more…